Thursday, August 20, 2009

Trains and Testimonies

My tiny piece of art that I worked on
The train!!!

The night before, we set up the art zone. I covered the tables with plastic and the new addition to the art zone Peter from Germany helped. The other members set out art supplies. We all were craving fruit, we weren't getting served any for some reason. Jessa, Melissa, and I were a real shock to the Europeans, they thought all Americans drank pop and ate junk food. When really we wanted fruits, veggies, and water! We went to Norma which looks just like Aldi to buy fruit. I posted a picture of it in the last post.

On this day Andrew and a few others went shopping for supplies. The rest of us worked on our own art work. Andrew, the art zone leader, wanted us to put up some of our work to inspire the teens who would be coming in a few days. Melissa was really over tired and we said it would be ok if she went to lay down after spending all morning working on stuff for her workshop. We had been moved from the one building we were sleeping to tents outside next to the railroad tracks. We timed the trains and they went by every 3 to 8 minutes, all night long! Talk about no sleep.

Rachelle came to join the art zone today. She was from Holland, but didn't like it there very much. She, Jessa, Josh, Peter, and I all sat around the table working on artwork. Jessa asked what each person's testimony was. It was so good to hear how they came to Christ and what God had done and was doing in their lives. We all had different ways were came to know the Lord. Some were younger Christians and others of us had been Christians from little on. Jessa asked Rachelle, we were told that her father had passed away and she knew her faith wasn't like it used to be. She knew God existed but wasn't sure of her faith anymore. Jessa replied in a very kind way that made the situation in no way uncomfortable. My heart went out to Rachelle. I've had a few friends that have lost their parents and I can't imagine what kind of hardship that must be. I kept her in my prayers for the entire week. I felt like I was able to connect to my new friends even more now.


  1. My mom and dad ask for fruit and veggies when they are overseas as well.

    The train! Your mom told me about it and I did pray. I can not imagine what that must be like. Oh wait. Yes I can. A fussy new baby at night! See, all preparation for the future. :-)))

    Mrs. G

  2. thanks for keeping up with the posts. its great to hear all the details of your travels. looking forward to seeing and hearing more tomorrow.

    Mrs. Rogers

  3. HI Girls,
    Wow sounds like a wonderful trip. Pastor and I are checking up on you from Ukraine. :>)) WE are so proud of you both and pray that the Lord will give you many more opportunities to serve him. Rememeber the fields here at home are just as ripe for the harvest.
    Lauren we will be praying for you as you head off to school and Melissa we look forward to seeing you in two weeks.
    With much love,
    Pastor and Sherry

  4. Lauren and Melissa,
    I've been editing weddings/seniors/babies/families and finally had a chance to catch up on my emails and vist your blog! How fun to read about your adventures! I'm so proud of you both! And I'm excited too about all that the Lord has planned for your lives today, tomorrow and into the future!
    Be blessed gals and thanks so much for the chance to hear all about your missions trip!
    (I was in the nursery last Sunday so I missed when you shared!! I tried to listen on the little T.V. monitor...but the babies were a bit noisy!! ha!)
    Love you!

    From Mrs. Charlton via Mrs. G - your personal secretary :-)
