Wednesday, August 19, 2009

prayers answered

I woke up very tired and had a pounding headache in the middle of the night. I took some pain killer and prayed for a long time before finally falling asleep. Jet lag and a headache together is a horrible feeling.

Since there were four of us Americans on the art zone the head of teenstreet Germany wanted to meet us all personally and have some tea and desserts with us. He was actually from the UK. He was explaining to us that there was a few issues that needed some prayer. One being that something was wrong with this curtain on one of the stages. The fire department wasn't going to let them use the stage unless they fixed the curtain. I guess it had something to do with safety. They needed this permit and the permit was due last week and they didn't know that. Its a bit confusing, we prayed it would all work out. A few days later they were able to fix it and use the stage.

A couple from Holland also joined tea with us. They had been married for a year and had a very interesting ministry. They explained to us:
Holland still has some colonies in the Caribbean. The people that live on those islands are considered Dutch citizens yet they live very differently. There is no such thing as marriage. The men and women don't even live together. The only come together to have children, which are only raised by the clan of women. The boys are surprisingly macho considered they are raised by a bunch of women and no males around. There is no trust among these people. They steal from each other.
So the ministry this couple has is to help the people who come from these islands to Holland. The people are very musical and they helped the men form a band. They made it possible for them to enter contests and preform. The guy from Holland said they stole his wallet the last performance. Its sad after all that they do for those people and they take advantage of it. Yet the couple still has a heart to love and support them.


  1. Tea in Germany! What a cool memory to have!

    The story of the missionaries to the island people is very, very interesting. I had never heard of that before.

    Mrs. G

  2. Lauren and Melissa,

    I enjoyed reading your blog and looking at the photos. I am very proud of our teens. You are truly making a difference in our world. What would each of you say was most encouraging to you about meeting Christian teens from other countries? Sharon

    (Girls - Mrs. Haynes asked me to post this for you. Mrs. G)
