the first throne room- worship time
Saturday the whole team arrived. The art zone consisted of 16 members. Since there was a good amount of helpers we were assigned times and sub groups when we had to be in the art zone, when we weren't assigned we could still be in the art zone or have some free time to rest or work on our own artwork or do other work. That way at least a small group would always be in the art zone. We had a meeting to clue in the rest of the team of what was going on. That night the teens arrived and the first throne room (worship time) took place. For this throne room the art part wasn't set up yet so we all just got to go as a group and worship together. It was so awesome to be a part of it. The teens that didn't understand English or German had headsets so they could listen to a translator speaking their native tongue. So cool! That night my sub group, group 1 had the late shift in the art zone, 9 to 11:30 pm.
Sunday when I had some free time I went to visit the OM AIDs link (If you haven't read the post below it makes more sense to read it before this post). Melissa and the other American girl Rebekka came with me. We were given ipods to listen to the story. We walked into the first scene a boys room. The ipod played, a voice told the story without any actors, each scene was furnished with props and made to be believable. It told the story of a boy with good grades, loved sports, and had now started living on his own. The next scene/room we entered was a dark bar. The boy now had made friends that liked going to bars and picking up girls and taking them home. He wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do but he caved into peer pressure and started drinking. He found himself taking girls home. The next scene is a park, the one I helped paint. He meets a girl and believes she is the one. She isn't like any of the other girls that he has met. She is smart, funny, and pretty. She tells him she has been with other guys but they weren't like him. The last scene, a girl's bedroom. One day the girl tells him she has some news. She is pregnant and HIV positive. He doesn't know what to think. Was it his fault and his past or hers? What about his future? Will he have to do drop out of college and raise the child? What if he is HIV positive? and if he isn't? The story ends. Anne from the AIDs link has us sit down to talk to us about the story. We pull out a slip of paper to tell us what the boy's result is. Mine and Rebekka's slips said he was HIV positive and Melissa's said he wasn't. We were asked what we thought his reaction would be the the results. Anne said three years ago at teenstreet they did a study and 17% of the teens that attended teenstreet admitted they were or had been sexually active. 17% of CHRISTIAN teenagers and sadly this number she said was off because those were only who admitted it! She told us the purpose of the AIDs link is to bring AIDs awareness, to inform and prevent it, to help those who have it, and to show love to those who have it. I thought it was a very powerful presentation that made you think.